Monday, September 13, 2010

Salzburg/Munich DAY 2

We had breakfast at our hostel and went to 10am mass at Dom Cathedral (Mozart’s church and the one with five organs) – it was completely in German, so it was very difficult to focus and I confess I spent too much time thinking about very unimportant things! The mass was spectacular though – I felt like I was at a German orchestra concert! At 11:30 the buses left for Salzburg and in a couple hours we were in Munich, Germany! Our director of student life, Mark, led us on a short walking tour and then we had free time for the rest of the day. First we visited the Munich Residence, which was the political and cultural center of the first dukes and kings of Bavaria. It was also the place where rulers kept their art collections and treasure. We had audio guides but it would seriously have taken us like six hours to get through that place if we had listened to every audio clip… It was huge and had an outrageous number of rooms

And here are some more pictures of Munich :)

Look at that architecture!

For dinner, we went to the Hofbrauhaus and the whole menu was in German, so I pulled out my Rick Steves German phrase book and attempted to decode the menu ha but it was entirely too difficult especially with a whole table of people… so with little knowledge of words on the menu we decided to pick something completely random! At least Sarah and I picked something completely random – I think everyone else had some idea of what they were ordering. Here’s what we got :)

Mine is the second picture and it was called Saftiges Bierkutschergulasch, it kinda tasted like chili and - I thought I would look it up on google but yeah.. no luck. I guess it will remain a mystery ;)
Well, turns out they had an English menu… Ha at least we had fun ;)

Funny too, the Hofbrauhaus is a big beer place (what a surprise :P) but no one at our table ordered beer, but somehow one of the guys at our table was given half a glass of beer from another table with Franciscan students who didn’t like it. It was a Radler and I genuinely liked it. So I’m pleased to say my favorite beer so far was the beer I had in Germany :)

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